On the Centerpath..

On the Centerpath..

Find your true self on the centerPath; nature self art science freedom; outside the human world; the temple of the heart; beyond the human centered world into the worlds of nature and art on your way to the heart of the universe;

connections; increasing order; increasing harmony; increasing beauty; connect art science nature and mind; use the mind to find the connections underlying all things; follow the flow pattern toward the center;

align; alignment; shed your mental baggage and become freer and freer as you approach the center Heart; become a little child again regain your senses of wonder delight curiosity as you walk the path of jin nua;

become who you are; who are you? you are heart and way; are you centered?… this is the way to the heart… centering;

the quickening; the gathering; the greater path; the higher path; the deeper path; the centerPath;

beauty is a fractal; no matter deep you look you find finer and finer beauty; harmony is fractal; no matter how far you ride the horse with no name, harmony after harmony after harmony; centers are fractal; follow the centers as they quicken and gather around the heart;

more than random chaos; more than empty nothingness; pure heart, golden centerPath;

–Benjamin Booneshaft