Studies indicate that more than one third of all Americans get less sleep than they need depriving themselves of an average of over an hour per night of rest! The impacts to our health and life are staggering. Without adequate sleep we are more irritable and restless and many studies indicate our lives will be shortened.
Besides all that, lest we forget that sleep is one on the most pleasurable experiences we live day-to-day. For instance, dreams allow us to experience untold feats we could never do in our waking hours. The healing energy we feel upon waking is also a true delight and allows us to experience the power of healing firsthand. And what can top the thrill of seeing the smile of a loved one the first thing in the morning?
So, to improve your health and wellbeing, ensure you take steps to improve your sleep by;
1.    Buying a good bed with good quality sheets and covers.
2.    Buying a lot of pillows and bolsters to ensure optimal positioning and comfort.
3.    Remove the TV and cell phones from your room to cultivate maximum restfulness.
4.    Don’t eat too late.
5.    Listen to relaxing music before bedtime.
6.    Read good books at bed time.
7.    Use incense and candles often to cultivate feelings of rest and peace.