Beautiful always takes you higher, ugliness always takes you lower.. Beauty is an uplifting force, like a crest or crown.. Ugliness pulls downward, towards a shadow and trough.. Grace however always keeps you balanced.. Grace is the effortless poise between opposites—an unforced harmony that moves through both beauty and ugliness without being trapped by either..…
In Tribute to 1
The number 1 holds far greater significance than most of us realize. More than just another digit among many, the value of 1 defines the very essence of the universe—resonating at every level of existence and experience. Consider quantum mechanics: the fundamental building blocks of matter—electrons, protons, neutrons, and photons of light energy—are indivisible. There…
Grow Your Spirituality by Connecting with Things Larger than Yourself
To hasten your spiritual journey, begin by connecting with forces larger than yourself. For Jin, it was marveling at the Milky Way on a clear, moonless night, discovering that Yellowstone Park lies at the center of an ancient caldera, and learning about the Big Bang for the first time. Explore more transformative moments through the…
New Kid’s Book: Trees R Us
Happy to have completed my 4th kid’s book ‘Trees R Us’! It’s a lot of fun so I please share it with your kids at this link.
Nature speaks tomes of wisdom, when you learn to listen
Nature Speaks! Learn to Listen and Watch Your Spirituality Soar! Check the introductory video to the course here! Get Jin’s All-In Membership for only $99.99/month (in 10 easy instalments of $9.99) to get four online courses, seven books, access to Jin’s private vault, and a 15 minute consultation with Jin!
EpicPath – Seeds to Deeds
Check my new VDO “Seeds to Deeds”. This CenterLife EpicPath video is all you need to get your life’s path and purpose back on track! Check the VDO here!
Launch of the Revamped CenterLife Site!
With the carve out of Naturepath from my Centerlife site last month, Centerlife has been freed up to become it’s true self!–i.e. a fully center based site! If you want to learn about centers, centering, and creating a great life thru bolstering the centers of your life, you are in the right place! Enjoy!
Launch of My New Site, NaturePath!
I’m happy to announce the launch of my NaturePath website! NaturePath provides hosts of means to connect with nature and grow your spirituality! No longer a passive observer as with forest bathing, through Naturepath you become an active participant with nature, leading to hours of fascination, joy, and discovery! Check it out!
Introducing NatureSpeaks – The Language of the Earth!
Check out Jin’s introduction to his groundbreaking new course NatureSpeaks! If you want to truly build more meaning and spirituality into your life in 2024, look no further! Get his book bundle (which includes seven books) and his Naturespeak course for only $20.24 (special offer to faciliate your spiritual growth in 2024)! Click here to…
Use Center-Point Purity to Uplift Your Life!
If you ever wondered how nature’s wisdom can be directly applied towards improving your life this video is for you! In just under 12 minutes, learn how through embedding center point purity in the emotional, thought, and spiritual centers of your life, your larger life will naturally be happier and uplifted!
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