Home Seven Paths Selfpath Selfpath Mantra

Selfpath Mantra

Use the following mantra (or write out your own personalized version) to refresh your commitment to your Selfpath goals. Prior to reading the mantra, take a few deep breaths to draw in your focus and energy.

  • I relish in knowing that pure and powerful objects reside at the heart of all creations.
  • I recognize that like all things in the universe, that same essence resides at the core of my being.
  • A quintessence presence possessing boundless energy to love and create.
  • A pure source granting me access to its wonderful guises of truth, genuineness, and wisdom.
  • Some believe it is our soul or God’s voice speaking through us.
  • Largely obscured by decades of social training, it lay in hiding, like a diamond in the rough waiting to be rediscovered and released back into the world.
  • Through strengthening my cores via Seven Paths, I prepare myself for the greatest journey I will ever undertake.
  • A journey inward towards the true spirit at the center of my being.
  • Releasing my true spirit, I soar to heights of bliss, peace, and purpose I never imagined possible.
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