Use EpicPath's Tools to Ascend Ever Higher!

Immerse Yourself in the Greatest Bonfires of Being and Witness Your Life Satisfaction and Spirituality Soar!

Immerse in Nature

Nature is the source of all things including all of you--your bones, body, blood, mind, and spirit! Comprising all of where we came from, we'd do ourselves well by more closely engaging nature, building a greater understanding and relationship with her.

Get closer to the nature to build more meaning and spirituality in your life! Jin's NaturePath and NatureSpeaks courses are the best way to get started!

Humanity's Greatest Bonfires!

In a universe that creates about pure and powerful centers, we find art, great science, literature, and music as humanity's closest equivalent! Get closer to societies raging bonfires of creation and thereby get closer to the source of all things!

Ask Life's Biggest Questions

Is there a God? Do we have a soul? What's my destiny? Are all things interconnected? Life's biggest questions find a happy home in Jin's Centerlife formulization! Check out how at the link below!

Get Closer to Your Core

One of the universe's greatest inventions is the still presence at the core of your being. Practice the techniques (meditation, yoga, etc.) at the link below to get in better touch with your true essence and possibly spark an awakening.

Get Closer to the Ultimate Source!

As the ultimate source of purity and wisdom (after all she created the entire universe and all its contents!) you will need to get closer to the Great Creator to glean the greatest of truths, insights, and meaning life has to offer. The easiest way to get started is simply be getting closer to her creations, what better way to begin to understand her than seeing her smile in all things?

Carve Out Your Destiny

One of life's biggest callings (i.e. centers) is uncovering our purpose and destiny. However how to go about this is far from certain until now. Follow the link to glean Jin's own personal journey and how his insights might aid your own journey of discovery.

Become Enlightened!

By routinely practicing the above programs, you stand a chance to eventually awaken and become enlightened. Click on the link below to view Jin relating his personal awakening experience and what it might mean to you.

Links to Learn More!

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