Beautiful always takes you higher, ugliness always takes you lower..
Beauty is an uplifting force, like a crest or crown..
Ugliness pulls downward, towards a shadow and trough..
Grace however always keeps you balanced..
Grace is the effortless poise between opposites—an unforced harmony that moves through both beauty and ugliness without being trapped by either..
Beauty lifts, ugliness lowers, but grace holds the center—an equilibrium between ascent and descent..
It’s the calm at the center of the storm, suns preventing planets from spinning out into space, and the gentle voice urging us to do the right thing when we wake..
In spiritual terms, grace is often seen as a gift. Something given freely, without expectation, allowing flow where resistance might otherwise build..
If beauty takes you higher and ugliness takes you lower, grace is the ability to move through both without attachment, remaining steady whether you rise or fall..
By Boone (Jin’s Partner in Centering Crimes!)