Learn More About Centers to Master Life!

Seek Out Centers in Nature and Life and Watch Your Wisdom Soar!

Here's What You Need to Know to Get Started!

  • To aid your quest for knowledge of how the world works, you need to be able to recognize centers in nature and your life.
  • The following outline will help you understand the qualities of centers and where to find them.
  • Next get out in nature and man’s world and find the many centers of being! Use the worksheet at the link below to accelerate your learning!
  • Also pick up Jin’s book Centerpath Encyclopedia (go to 'Jin's Store' under the 'About' tab)!

What Centers Are in a Nutshell!

Centers are the singular and centrally-situated objects residing at the heart of objects, things, entities, and places. They begin where change and fluctuation occur and where energy amasses. Paradoxically, centers are also where the opposite of matter/energy concentrates –i.e. emptiness and the “void” often thrive at centers. In their idealized form, centers reside at the geometric center of physical objects, like hubs of wheels, fulcrums of seesaws, the bull’s eye of a dartboard, and the nucleus of atoms. Though usually contained within a single point or a relatively small spherical locale, centers can also be distributed along a line as with the spin axis of a rotating body or continuously along the length of an ocean wave. Centers are at the heart of events across time. They are where events and processes come to an end. They are climaxes and finales. While difficult to pinpoint their location in the realm of human cognition; centers nevertheless are quite real and indeed form the control centers of our lives which are the needs, wants, and desires that drive so much of our lives. They are also where decisions, urges, meanings, truths, purposes, symbols, answers to riddles, and the crux of problems reside.

Centers Shape and Mold the Universe, They Drive It's Process of Creation!

  • Centers are points of origin and genesis.
  • Centers raise order from chaos causing disparate ‘parts’ to organize into cohesive, larger whole creations
  • The character of the center carries forward to the character of the larger creation forming about it—the created reflects its creator!
  • Centers raise the common, center-oriented patterns we see streaming throughout the universe
  • Centers generate the universe’s telltale, rise-and-fall rhythm punctuating nature and life’s processes and events
  • Centers generate the fantastic qualities of symmetry, beauty, balance, holism, and collaboration
  • Centers comprise the universe’s most complex, most powerful, and mind boggling objects such as black holes, stars, hurricane eyes, and the consciousness!
  • Being beginning points, centers are also the reason why and purpose underlying nature’s creations and man’s undertakings. In many ways they are the truth

Examples of Centers in Nature

  • Nuclei of Atoms
  • DNA of Cells
  • Organs at Core of Organ Systems (e.g. the heart in the circulatory system)
  • Mouth of a River
  • Consciousness at the Center of the CNS
  • Trunk of a Tree
  • Mouth of a River
  • Eye of a Hurricane
  • Star at the Core of a Solar Syste
  • Massive Elliptical Galaxies (at the middle of galactic groupings)
  • Big Bang (start of the universe)

Examples of Centers in Man's World

  • The Memento Like Picture of a Memory
  • The Meaning of a Word
  • The Title of a Book or Movie
  • The Punchline of a Joke
  • The Conclusion of a Decision Making Process
  • The Purpose of a Product
  • The Function of a Room in a House (e.g. a kitchen is for sustenance)
  • The Leader of a Group
  • The Capital of a State or Nation
  • One's Destiny
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